for and against software tester certification

Thanks for all notes about tester certification. Some of you were right - even there are no scheduled exams for The Certified Software Tester (CSTE) in Europe, they have branches in UK and Russia, and the best thing to do is to contact and find out the possibility to go there and take the exams. That is the first thing i wanted to write.

Today was thinking why i started reading about software testing certifications. I have been working more than two years in testing, in the same company. The situation was pretty hard - i got tired from testing, did not see where to go further etc. Then i started thinking - it is enough with testing, done. Should change my job. Have written in september about the interview for software testing position in one company. The lady talked a lot and presented me a nice description of my future job. All team is certified, she believes it is the best testing and the best qualified team in our country. Thinking afterthat i was so happy to see that there is something more to be done with testing..... and it is not the end... enough room to grow.

Here is an article, one of you left the link in comments: Against certification. The guy does want to aggree with the software testing certification system. He says that they do not show the real potentiality to be good tester and that those questions does not measure your abilities in testing. Well, on the whole i guess he is right, but on the other hand - it is the same with all education. My bachelor's was in business management. i attended classes, recieved the certificate, but it does show at all my ability to be business manager. only my theoretical knowledge and ability to study...

will go on with certification, the best i see is for ISEB foundation. but that is later.


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