part time testing

do you think software testers may work part time?


Anonymous said…
My first thoughts. why not?
but what is the context?
but one thing thing should be always there which is, the responsibilities of a part time tester should be different then a full time tester.
Arrange a win-win state, determine what are the tings you can do as part time and what things you can't.
Anonymous said…
I dont find anyu thing intresting in this as a test enggineer
JeriK said…
hmm.. This could be possible but again it depends how smartly you work, how is your current responsibilities..etc. there are many parameter to be taken care of :-).
JeriK said…
Hi ugne,

I don't know whether you are checking your blogs... I was going through the old blogs..those are nice, speacially the blog were you discussed 'whether the tester is valuated? '. I have to contribute or rather ask you a question in this regard.

Developers are proud to show there application which they have developed. What are you proud of ? Are you proud to show off the application you have tested? Don't you think developers take all the credit for bugless application ?

This question have been haunting me. As a more experienced tester, I hope you help me out.
ugne said…
proud for quantity of bugs found. the more you find, the better you are testing :)
(reading my blogs.. just still not time for testing because of the family. will be back soon)
Amit said…
I am interested to do work. Can you please give me more requirement how to apply. What are the skills required.
Naveen Verma said…
Is it possible to get work part time for software testing

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