news in Lithuania testing market
One of the first companies, offering testing services, has opened its website Congratulations! "Testuotojai" means ‘the testers’ in Lithuanian language. The same as my blog's address - "testavimas" is for testing.
As they wrote, team has been working as software testers and now trying to do this as independent people, not a part of any IT company. The services description seems quite narrow for me, but ok, as it is the beginning.
The number of testers, together with the ads looking for software testing or QA specialists, has been really increasing in the last years. So, the birth of a company like this is a really natural development of software testing market in Lithuania.
As they wrote, team has been working as software testers and now trying to do this as independent people, not a part of any IT company. The services description seems quite narrow for me, but ok, as it is the beginning.
The number of testers, together with the ads looking for software testing or QA specialists, has been really increasing in the last years. So, the birth of a company like this is a really natural development of software testing market in Lithuania.
about the meeting - I would be interested in participating :D
paskui prasides visokie oficialumai, nepelno organizacijos, 2% ant is moketoju kiseniu ir daznesni susitikimai :) juokauju
gal kasnors norit pasiulyti data ir vieta (kaip suprantu vln cia kolkas).
man asmeniskai tiktu bet kada darbo diena - na su penktadieniais tai sunkiau, bet paderinti galima viska :)
keista kad keista :))))) as pazistu dar bent tris kurie visdar dirba testuotojais ir du kurie bent jau anksciau dirbo, kaip dabar tai net nezinau :))
o siaip: yra stuokos guceviciaus gatvej (salia katedros) vynine tokia.
vakar ten buvau - tikrai rami ir faina vieta. tik regis staliuka reiktu rezervuotis. yra vietos lauke - nebijokit mergaites ten sildytuvas yra, tai salta tikrai nebutu :) o siaip tai cia tik pasiulymas :) laukiam daugiau