news from ISEB

Some news. ISEB are now able to offer the following qualifications:

Intermediate Certificate in Software Testing

This qualification bridges the gap between foundation level and practitioner level, and addresses the need for the candidate to adopt a different approach in thinking than that required at foundation level.

Practitioner Certificate in Test Management

Enables testing practitioners to gain professional recognition for advanced level skills in the managerial aspects of testing.

Practitioner Certificate in Test Analysis

This qualification enables testing practitioners to gain professional recognition for advanced level skills in the more technical, analytical aspects of testing.

These were created because of the gap between previous Foundation and Practitioner Certificates. Also testers tend to specialise in either the management of testing or in test analysis but seldom both disciplines, many candidates who had taken the exam recommended in their feedback that it would be beneficial to develop separate exams for each.

The new ISTQB (International software Testing Qualifications Board) syllabus is now used for all ISEB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing examinations. The Foundation Certificate in Software Testing now has dual accreditation with the ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board) and successful candidates will receive certification with both ISEB and ISTQB recognition at Foundation level. The exams are available to be taken at Authorized Prometric Test Centers (APTCs).

  • ISEB candidates can obtain ISEB qualifications throughout the year rather than at pre-set exam dates
  • Examinations can be booked with less than two days notice
  • Results are immediately available
  • Computer based exams eliminate the need for examination papers and answer sheets and gives an extra level


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