Reading list from BCS

General Testing Books

Title: The Testing Practitioner
Author: Erik van Veenendaal
Publisher: UTN Publishers
Publication Date: 2002
ISBN: 9789072194657

Title: Risk-based e-business Testing
Authors: Paul Gerrard and Neil Thompson
Publisher: Artech House
Publication Date: 2002
ISBN: 1580533140

Title: Introducing Software Testing: A Practical Guide for Getting Started
Author: Louise Tamres, Simon Mills
Publisher: Pearson Education / Addison Wesley
Publication Date: 2002
ISBN: 0201719746 or 9780201719741

Title: Lessons Learned in Software Testing: A Context Driven Approach
Authors: Cem Kaner, James Bach and Bret Pettichord
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons inc
Publication Date: 2002
ISBN: 0471081124

Title: Software Testing: A Guide to the TMap Approach
Authors: Martin Pol, Ruud Teunissen and Erik Van Veenendaal
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Publication Date: 2002
ISBN: 0201745712 or 9780201745719

Title: Systematic Software Testing
Authors: Rick D. Craig and Stefan P. Jaskiel
Publisher: Artech House
Publication Date: 2002
ISBN: 1580535089

Title: Software Testing
Author: Ron Patton
Publisher: Sams Publishing
Publication Date: 2001
ISBN: 0672319837

Title: Testing IT: An Off-the-Shelf Testing Process
Author: John Watkins
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Date: 2001
ISBN: 052179546X

Title: Effective Methods for Software Testing
Author: William E. Perry
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons inc
Publication Date: 2000
ISBN: 047135418X 2nd Edition; 9780764598371 3rd Edition)

Title: Testing Object-Oriented Systems: Models, Patterns and Tools
Author: Robert V. Binder
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Publication Date: 1999
ISBN: 0201809389

Title: Surviving the Top Ten Challenges of Software Testing: A People Oriented Approach
Authors: William E. Perry and Randall W. Rice
Publisher: Dorset House Publishing Co Inc
Publication Date: 1997
ISBN: 0932633382

Title: Software Testing in the Real World: Improving the process
Author: Edward Kit, Margaret Macknelley
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Publication Date: 1995
ISBN: 0201877562

Title: The Craft of Software Testing
Author: Brian Marick
Publisher: Prentice-Hall
Publication Date: 1995
ISBN: 0131774115

Title: Black Box Testing: Techniques for Functional Testing of Software and Systems
Author: Boris Beizer
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc
Publication Date: 1995
ISBN: 0471120944

Title: Software Testing: a craftsman's approach
Author: Paul Jorgensen
Publisher: CRC Press
Publication Date: 2002
ISBN: 0849308097

Title: Testing Computer Software
Authors: Cem Kaner, Jack Falk and Hung Quoc Nguyen
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc
Publication Date: 1999
ISBN: 0471358460

Title: The Complete Guide to Software Testing
Author: William Hetzel
Publisher: Tarquin Publications
Publication Date: 1992
ISBN: 9780894352423

Title: The Art of Software Testing
Author: Glenford Myers, Covey Sandler, Tom Badgett, Todd M Thomas
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc
Publication Date: 2004
ISBN: 0471469122


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