software testing standards for tester


BS-7925-1 Software Testing - Vocabulary

BS-7925-2 Standard for Software Component Testing

IEEE 1028 IEEE Standard for Software Reviews

IEEE 1012 Standard for Software Verification and Validation -Description

ISO 12207 Systems and software engineering-Software life cycle processes

Higly recommended:

IEEE 610.12 Standard glossary of software engineering terminology

IEEE 1044 Classification for Software Anomalies

IEEE 829 Software Test Documentation

IEEE 1008 Software Unit Testing

IEC 60300-3-9 Dependability Management - Part 3: Application Guide - Section 9: Risk Analysis of Technological Systems

ISO 15026 Information Technology - System and Software Integrity Levels

ISO 9126 Software Quality Model

RTCA DO-178B Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification

TMM Testing Maturity Model


IEEE 1008


Anonymous said…
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Any advice would be great. I don’t want to sign up and find I’m paying for a product that doesn’t work!
Webplore said…
Really informative post. helped me alot. thanks.

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