New Software Quality Testing Certification

While reading the last issue of Testing experience, found a short message: 'Industry Leaders Announce New Software Quality Testing Certification'. QAMP® - Quality Assurance Management Professional. It sets high standards - to a broad theoretical knowledge – which needs to be demonstrated by 3 successfully passed certification examinations – it attests the practical knowledge and project experience of the certified employee. Theoretical and practical knowledge both have to be updated annually.
Upon completion of all three certificates and proof of the two year practical experience, the participant will be certified as iSQI Quality Assurance Management Professional (QAMP).

In case the applicant is not able to submit evidence of practical experience (e.g. graduates) the applicant will receive the status iSQI Quality Assurance Management Professional (QAMP) - Bachelor.

Attached the certification schema, not easy to understand. I suggest visiting their site,

My note, it is for professionals, not for beginners. And if you do not have ISTQB advanced or foundation level, forget about it for a while.
What I like the most - it is the the broad view - a few certificates and active participant in quality assurance process. That suggests that employees having it should be really professionals.


Jonas D said…
Neturėjau daug laiko įsigilinti, bet skamba neblogai :)
klausimas kuris man kilo - gal tu galėsi atsakyti. Pačiame viršuje parašyta "Re-certification by iSQI". Ar tai reiškia, kad gavus patvirtinimą, jog viskas tinka - t.y. yra išlaikyti bent trys certifikatai + dviejų metų patirtis reikia laikyti final testą kad gauti pagrindinį sertifikatą?
ugne said…
Schemoje raudonai pažymėti sertifikatai - pagrindiniai. Deja, sertifikatai galioja tik metus, tam reikalingas re-sertifikavimas kasmet.

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