Certification: Software Quality Engineer Certification CSQE

ASQ (American Society for Quality) offers Software Quality Engineer Certification - CSQE.
The requirements for passing examination seems pretty high - the highest from all the certifications I have written about already. You must have eight years of on-the-job experience in one or more of the areas of the Certified Software Quality Engineer Body of Knowledge. Part of the eight-year experience requirement will be waived depending on your completed a degree from a college or university. For example - Bachelor's degree–four years waived.
The Software Quality Engineer examination is a one-part, 160-question, four-hour exam and is offered in English only.
The ASQ also offers some resources for preparation, the best part I liked - sample exam online to check yourself. Myself i was SHOCKED. English is not my native language, i have no problems with reading material, but the exam questions does not seem very easy and i really doubt if I could pass it now... For exam taking you may apply online.
$360.00 is the fee for Certified Software Quality Engineer exam.
The most complicated thing is that this exam is not only for software testing but, a person, as mentioned above the high requirements for passing the exam, should have wider understanding of software developing process and be quality engineer. Designed for those who have a comprehensive understanding of software quality development and implementation; have a thorough understanding of software inspection and testing, verification, and validation; and can implement software development and maintenance processes and methods.
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Anonymous said…
Hello Ugne:

I'm beginning the CSQE process and created another blogspot site to help organize the process. You can view it at http://www.csqe-study.blogspot.com/

I found your site today and hope you don't mind that I provided a link.

Unknown said…
Ailo!! Thanks for the post!! It was good one and many of our friends went to their website and we all found that the videos are very much useful for us to get the certification soon. They got much questions and answers!!

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