
Showing posts from 2007

working again. or at least trying

welcome to new period. the second week working as software tester. after a long break at home here we are at the office. Do not feel weak in professional sense, but staying up to 8 long hours everyday at work is something still too tough for me. now coming through adaptation plan - learning the way things are done here. and reading. The Art Of Software Testing. second addition, Glenford J. Myers.

verification and validation

Verification: Have we built the software right? (i.e. does it match the specification) Validation: Have we built the right software? (i.e. Is this what the customer wants?)

looking for a job myself

no, it is not one more post with job advertisement. this time i am looking for testing position myself. all of a sudden. got a call for an interview and decided - why not. so, waiting for their answer and sending some more cv. the good news for lithuania are that software testers are more valuated. more and more ads may be seen for that position.... my week points are technology knowledge and big break in my career staying at home with the children. the most - i would like to work part time, but it is not popular here.... 6 hours a day would be perfect....

darbas testuotojui, new ad in vilnius

Adsoft, UAB Adform yra sparčiai auganti programinės įrangos gamintoja, kurianti vieną pirmaujančių pasaulyje internetinių reklaminių kampanijų administravimo, valdymo bei ataskaitų generavimo sistemų. Pagrindiniai įmonės klientai yra reklaminės agentūros bei stambios internete besireklamuojančios bendrovės. Savo paslaugas teikiame ir vienoms iš didžiausių kompanijų pasaulyje. Daugiau informacijos rasite svetainėje . Vilniaus ofiso programuotojai, glaudžiai bendradarbiaudami su ofisu Danijoje, Kopenhagoje, kuria programinę įrangą Adform produktui. TESTUOTOJAS Šiuo metu ieškome dinaminės internetinės reklamos valdymo sistemos testuotojo (-os) Vilniuje. Adform sistemaAdform sistema kaupia ir apdoroja tūkstančius transakcijų kiekvieną sekundę bei kaupia informaciją duomenų bazėje, kurios pagalba klientas gali optimizuoti reklamines kampanijas bei generuoti ataskaitas realiu laiku. Sistema sukurta naudojant Microsoft platformą. Klientai sistemą pasiekia naudodamiesi Web inter...

looking for software testing job?

i do not know about the job seeeking traditions in other parts of the world, but here, in lithuania, usually, we search the advertisements, write cv and send it to potential companies. so, someone asked me about software testing jobs in ireland, to tell the truth i have no idea, but websites juch as , , , and others should really help you! fill up your online cv, read the positions and apply. good luck!

testing job in vilnius, LT

Testuotojas (-a) Vilnius, Kaunas Darbo pobūdis : -klaidų nustatymas ir tinkamas jų aplinkybių suformulavimas, apibūdinimas;-užtikrinimas, kad programa atitinka funkcinius ir biznio reikalavimus;-užtikrinimas, kad programa atitinka nefukcinius reikalavimus. -testavimo atvejų ir tikrinimo sąrašų sudarymas; -testavimo metrikų sekimas. Reikalavimai kandidatui: Aukštasis universitetinis išsilavinimas;Išsilavinimo sritis:matematika/informatika; Ne mažesnė nei 3 metų darbo patirtis IT srityje;Testavimo žinios ir patirtis ne mažiau nei 2-3 metai;Darbo su testavimo įrankiais patirtis; Darbo su duomenų bazėmis užklausų pagalba žinios ir patirtis. Anglų kalba. Orientacija į aptarnavimą, iniciatyvumas, orientacija į tikslą, bendradarbiavimas komandoje, analitinis mąstymas, orientacija į kokybę, planavimas ir organizavimas. Įmonė kandidatui siūlo: darbą vienoje iš rinkos lyderės pozicijas užimančių įmonių, geras darbo sąlygas ir puikias karjeros galimybes. CV prašome siųsti iki: 2007.09.18 Kontakti...

part time testing

do you think software testers may work part time?

mandatory requirements

looking at melb0urne software testing job requirements and advertisements, this one looks very serious: • Proven experience and understanding of software testing methodologies. • Strong experience in preparing and analysing test conditions based on Business Requirements. • Demonstrated ability developing Test Cases from Functional Specifications & Design Documents. • Proven experience and an understanding of System, Integration, and Functional testing execution. • Proven experience in testing EAI solutions. • A level of technology adeptness that enables the successful translation of requirements in test scripts. • Experience in the use of Test Tools, particularly Mercury Quality Centre. • Ability to work in a fast paced environment with possible dynamic priorities without compromising quality. • Ability to quickly understand the organisation’s systems and applications and its integration with other systems. • Proven, strong analytical and technical troubleshooting abilities. my ex...

testing in australia

has been staying for a few months in melbourne, australia. holidays. live in the subur of the city and seems get the wrong picture:) looking at calm private house area started believing everything here is so slow and not technology oriented. well, searched the webfor software testing australia - and was surprised. most of the testing companies are located in sydney!!! and here is one page i liked the most - The Independent Software Testing Specialists , IV&V Australia. It is software consultants firm, they test software, train software testers, other services for software testing activities. They also have questionnaire, designed to provide you with a quick check on the fitness of the testing practices on your software projects. welcome to try

personal advices

to tell the truth almost every time reading the emails sent to me asking advices on one or other question on software testing, i feel unable to help. i strongly believe that there is so plenty information in the web, starting from the software testing articles to books. all you need, just search the web and read read read.

Software test engineer - Bentley systems

A few weeks ago received a call from recruitment company, were asking about my thoughts and interests on software testing. Bentley Lithuania are looking for a few people - software project manager, software requirements analyst, seniour software engineer and of course - software test engineer. Had a look at their website, huge company and big systems. Management systems to test is much more easier. Bentley Systems, Incorporated provides software for lifecycle of infrastructure, spanning architecture, engineering, construction (AEC) and operations. complicated